Saturday, August 15

Jake turns Four

August 1 was Jake's unofficial birthday - I don't have an actual birth date for him because I wasn't his Mama back then and do not know. So I did what any normal person would do, I made one up. And August 1st was easy to remember. 8/01/05. Not numerically though. I could have thought up another cooler date, but the 1st was too easy to resist.

So we didn't have a birthday party for him because Darin would never allow it (plus he only really has three friend dogs (Lady, Maggie, and Tabasco - all the others he would attack). But we got him a chew bone to knomp on instead of killing his babies. Stuffed animals people. I have a pile of them to stitch up. Must do so...

Anyways... a video of us giving him his present. Beware, it's very exciting.

He really did like his bone. And it was good for his teeth. And he won't eat it in like 5 seconds like every other bone he gets.

The sniffing of the bone

Knomp, Chew, Drool, Knooomp

That was one happy Jake. He's almost catching up to me in age - yikes. Next year he'll be older in dog years! Yeah for birthday celebrations!

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