Thursday, August 20

Before and After: Front of the House

Finally have gotten up some motivation to work outside. I can't say that I've been that lazy, just a little lazy. I mean, I help Darin cut the grass every week (or every other week). And we weed the garden, but I haven't really spent time trying to improve the front.

Somehow we got motivated! Hurray!

Darin went and got some plants to go around the boarder between the mulch/leaves and grass. They're pretty! And will probably die, but we're okay with that.

Two weekends ago, I worked outside on the shrubs and got rid of excess leaves/ferns. Man, do those ferns love the outside of the house! Probably because it's fern heaven - very little sun and a lot of rain.

Here were some pictures I took over two weeks ago:

So on Monday I took a Del day (needed a little bit more break after the long drive home from SC) and planted the orchid plant things that Darin got. Cleaned up the other miscellaneous plants. And made things look nice. Or at least I think so!

Now we wait and see if they die. (This occurred previously not because we were bad plant owners, but because of the giant tress in the front yard that block a lot of the rain and the sunshine.) I will water the plants for awhile to make sure they take root. At least the lizards will enjoy the new forest around them!

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