Thursday, August 27

Misc. South Carolina Pictures

I've already writen about our trip up to South Carolina two weekends ago.

What I didn't mention in the blog was that I dropped my cell phone in the ocean. (Or maybe I did mention it and don't remember - and am too lazy to go and check.) I loved the old phone because to took pretty good phone camera pictures - a 2 MP, and I would often take it with me instead of my normal digital camera because it's way smaller.


I was sad because I had been taking pictures of the ocean and the surf.

The beautiful blue ocean.

The surf that ate my phone.

So I searched for a new phone and got another with a 3.2 MP camera. And I also wanted a flip phone. With nothing fancy because I am not a fancy phone person. Anyways, I had a Sony phone and got a new Sony phone so I could use my memory card as well as all of the old cables. I at first thought the card wouldn't fit into my new phone, but it does.

And I found these cute photos I took on the car trip up.

Darin and Jake, resting.

How he loves his Darin.

And now everything is back to normal. I have my ring tones for certain people programed, I have my shortcut phonebook figured out, and I have two chargers! That's all!

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